• 60 reviews
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Enhance Your Browser Media Experience with WebNowPlaying-Redux Chrome Extension

If you're an avid music lover or enjoy watching videos online, you know how important it is to have easy access to media controls and information . That's where the WebNowPlaying-Redux Chrome extension comes in. With an impressive aggregate rating of 4.52 out of 5, this powerful extension is a game-changer for anyone seeking a seamless browsing experience.

What is WebNowPlaying-Redux?

WebNowPlaying-Redux is a browser extension that provides information and controls for media playing in your browser to external adapters. Whether you're streaming music on YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, or any other supported website, this extension effortlessly detects and displays vital information about the media being played. From the title and artist to the album and more, you'll always have an overview of what's playing right at your fingertips.

But WebNowPlaying-Redux goes beyond just displaying information. It allows you to utilize this data with external adapters to manage your media playback. Want to pause the song, skip to the next track, or adjust the volume without switching tabs? This extension gives you the power to do all that and more, enhancing your browsing experience and keeping you in control.

Powerful Adapters for Customization

WebNowPlaying-Redux offers a range of adapters that integrate seamlessly with other popular applications. Whether you're using Rainmeter, Macro Deck, OBS, or other supported adapters, you can harness the full potential of this extension. These adapters allow you to personalize your media display, control layout, and even create custom hotkeys for quick actions.

For example, the WebNowPlaying-Redux-Rainmeter adapter lets you integrate your media information into your Rainmeter desktop setup. Imagine having a stylish display showing the currently playing song, artist, and album cover right on your desktop. With a few simple configurations, you can create a personalized media center that enhances both your desktop aesthetic and your browsing experience.

If you're more interested in controlling your media playback with external hardware, the WebNowPlaying-Redux-Macro-Deck adapter is perfect for you. With this adapter, you can map your media controls to physical buttons on your Macro Deck device, giving you a tangible and convenient way to manage your audio playback without even touching your computer.

These are just a few examples of the powerful adapters available for customization. The full list can be found on the WebNowPlaying-Redux GitHub page, where you'll also find detailed instructions and documentation for each adapter.

User Reviews Speak Volumes

Don't just take our word for it - let's hear what users have to say about WebNowPlaying-Redux:

  • Kevin Chan: "Good plugin."
  • Drake Isaac: "Works like a charm!"
  • Goldek: "How to set it up? Can someone help me?"
  • Ian Pollard: "Constantly breaks with Spicetify and doesn't fetch album or song information. Works fine consistently with Youtube but that's not what I need it for."
  • Casper: "I love you."
  • ngp1095 _rocks: "Web now playing used to work but now for some reason it stopped working (troubleshooting didn't change anything)."
  • Rubysama Chisuru: "How do I manually add this to my rainmeter player?"
  • Richardson Drake: "Now works with Youtube Music!! Thanks a lot! Now my desktop looks much better with Cleartext and with Youtube Music content!!!"
  • Jesse Musa: "dope"
  • Harkeerat Of The Apollo Cabin: "Perfect! Thank you, great work :)"

As you can see, the majority of users rave about the functionality and performance of the WebNowPlaying-Redux Chrome extension. It has garnered a loyal user base who appreciate the seamless integration with popular media platforms and the ability to customize their media experience.

Why Choose WebNowPlaying-Redux?

With so many Chrome extensions available, it's important to understand why WebNowPlaying-Redux stands out from the crowd. Here are a few reasons why you should consider adding this extension to your browser:

  • Comprehensive Media Support: WebNowPlaying-Redux supports a wide range of websites, including popular platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and Soundcloud. You can enjoy the benefits of this extension regardless of your media preference.
  • Enhanced Customization: The availability of various adapters allows you to tailor your media experience to your liking. From integrating with Rainmeter to controlling playback with Macro Deck, you have the power to create a personalized setup that suits your needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The extension seamlessly integrates with your browser and provides a user-friendly interface for easy control and information display. You don't need to be a tech expert to enjoy the benefits of WebNowPlaying-Redux.
  • Regular Updates and Support: The developer of WebNowPlaying-Redux is dedicated to maintaining and improving the extension. Regular updates and active community support ensure that you'll always have the latest features and assistance when needed.

From its outstanding features to its positive user feedback, WebNowPlaying-Redux has proven to be a top-notch extension for enhancing your browser media experience. Whether you're a music enthusiast or a video lover, this extension offers the convenience and customization you need to take your online entertainment to the next level.

Don't just take our word for it - install WebNowPlaying-Redux today and see for yourself why it has earned such high praise among users!

Provides information and controls for media playing in the browser

Detects information about the media being played

Utilized by external adapters to manage the media

60 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Qui Do Phuc

It works, thanks

Kevin Chan

Good plugin. But the description better to put the related dependency. This plugin does not work on its own. if anyone is looking for the dependency, it's here. https://github.com/keifufu/WebNowPlaying-Redux Secondly, would you mind including more than 1 example for comparason? It is hard to learn how to modify with only 1 example. At least, I am using the rain-meter adapter, but I don't see there is enough documentation for me to change the example layout to something like the demo on your youtube video. Though, it's a good job. Please gambatte.

Drake Isaac

Works like a charm!


How to set it up? Can someone help me?

Ian Pollard

Constantly breaks with Spicetify and doesn't fetch album or song information. Works fine consistently with Youtube but that's not what I need it for.

Rostyslav Somov

Now works with Youtube Music !! Thanks a lot! Now my desktop looks much better with Cleartext and with Youtube Music content !!!

Jesse Musa


Harkeerat Of The Apollo Cabin

Perfect! Thank you, great work :)

Arjun S

Hey, I use this with a rainmeter skin. When I play a video and hit back, there's a wierd doubling (The title appears with a huge gap and at the end there is another copy of the title), Please fix it. Love it tho.

isko rotul

Please add Jango.com website into this extension for songs info

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